English 203
Oral Presentations / Group Project
Dr. DeRochi
For this assignment, students will be placed in groups and work together to prepare a 20-minute presentation on a specific cultural context (art, music, philosophical treatise, theater, etc.) for a specific time period. For the presentation, you must provide the historical background for your discussion. For example, if you’re examining artwork as a cultural context, discuss the evolution of art during the particular time period: what were the influences? Where was art heading? DO NOT TEACH THE ENTIRE PERIOD--just the specific context. Do Not Teach the Text. Finally, the groups should prepare 3-5 open-ended questions that will help create class discussion.
Specific requirements:
ü GROUPS MUST MEET WITH ME PRIOR TO PRESENTATIONS and may meet with me more than once. If entire group cannot meet, group should select two leaders to meet with me representing entire group.
Each group must have a visual aid for their presentation.
ü Each group must provide examples of the particular context (recordings, prints, etc.).
ü Each group must provide a handout for the entire class which includes examples of the context being discussed (pictures, excerpts, titles of music, etc.) as well as MLA citations for the sources and materials. Handout should not be "fill in the blank" style of handout.
ü Each student will submit brief evaluations of the work done by the group as a whole, as well as individual members.
Grading: For the oral presentation, students will be graded on the effectiveness (preparation and execution) of the overall presentation, the effectiveness of their individual presentation, and their peer evaluations.
Important note: Groups or group members are certainly welcome (and encouraged) to meet with me to discuss the author and text more often than the requirement above.
Date |
Time Period / specific context |
September 18 | “The Wife of Bath” / Middle English / St. Jerome’s Against Jovinian (marriage and role of women / church) | |
September 23 |
Early Modern Period (Renaissance) / music and dance |
October 23 |
Restoration and Eighteenth Century / Neoclassicism |
October 30 | Romanticism/ The French REvolution | |
November 13 | “Lady of Shallot” / Victorian Period / Pre-Raphaelites |