Recommend an IT Investment
Due: beginning of class on July 3

Dannelly is looking to adjust his investment portfolio. His is particularly interested in long term investments in information technology. He accepts that those types of investments are likely high risk. However, high risk is not a requirement. For the purpose of this assignment, you can assume any amount of available funds.

Create a written report and an oral presentation recommending a specific investment. The written portion should be no more than 5 printed pages including the charts you deem necessary. The oral presentation should take between 8 and 12 minutes.

Group sizes should be 2 to 4 students. The group's grade will be based on the strength of your arguments (clarity; completeness of information; appropriate supporting data; analysis of risk, leverage, potential RIO, etc...)

You may choose to recommend stock in a particular company. You may want to recommend investing in a start-up company (a fake startup is okay; a real start-up is better). It is acceptable to recommend avoiding a particular investment.