Declaring the Array List

   ArrayList List_Of_Links = new ArrayList();

Adding to the List

   if (!duplicate)
     System.out.println(" -- adding the link " + tempstring + " to the master list");
     List_Of_Links.add (tempstring);

Processing the List

     for (int i=0; i<List_Of_Links.size(); i++)
       search_file ((String) List_Of_Links.get(i));

Alternative Code

     List<string> MyList = new ArrayList<string>();
    for (string nextItem : MyList)
      System.out.println (nextItem);

Other Useful Methods

List_Of_Links.contains ("bob.htm");   // returns true or false
List_Of_Links.indexOf ("bob.htm");    // returns array index of bob.htm, or -1 if its not in the arraylist
List_Of_Links.remove (4);             // removes 4th element of the list