CSCI 297 Scripting Languages
Homework Three

For this assignment you will create two scripts: one to create a file and a second script to dump the contents of the file into the browser.

Rewrite your homework 2 so that all output goes to a file. Write just the timestamps into the file, one date per line. Do not write any HTML into the file. Remember to name your data file something unique so you don't get tangled up with someone else in the class.

When the user runs your script they will expect some output. Since all the dates go into the file, just output something simple, like "done", when your script is done.

So that I know your script works (it really creates a file instead of just writing "done"), write a second script that simply dumps the contents of your file to the browser. Remember that your file contains plain text, but the browser is expecting HTML. So, you will need to account for that difference in your output script.

Add two new links to your scripts onto your index.html page. Be sure to check that the links work.

Submit your homework by mailing the text of your first script to Use the subject line "CSCI 297 - HW 03".