Homework Two
Manipulating an Unordered Linked List
Due: Thursday February 3

Complete the following program to manipulate an unordered linked list. You must create the three functions. You might also have to add a line or two or code to the main function.

Email your source code to dannellys2@winthrop.edu by the beginning of class on Thursday Feb 3. Submit your file using Pine. I will use the g++ compiler to test your code.

#include < iostream.h>
#include < stdlib.h>

// your name here
// data structures lab two
// january 27, 2005
// program that manipulates a linked list 

struct node {
             int value;
             node *next;

// Function to print a linked list.
void print_list (node *head)
   node *temp;
   for (temp=head; temp!=NULL; temp=temp->next)
      cout << temp->value << "  ";
   cout << endl;


int main()
   char choice;
   int  data_val;
   node *head;

   // issue instructions
   cout << "Possible Commands:\n\t";
   cout << "add -->  \ta value\n\tdelete -->\td value";
   cout << "\n\tprint -->\tp\n\tquit -->\tq\n";

   // process commands
      cin >> choice;
      switch (choice)
         case 'a':
         case 'A': cin >> data_val;
                   add_node (&head, data_val);
         case 'd': 
         case 'D': cin >> data_val;
                   delete_node (&head, data_val);
         case 'p': 
         case 'P': print_list(head);
         case 'q': 
         case 'Q': exit(1);
         default : cout << "Unknown command! Choose a, d, p or q\n";

Here is a example run of the program. The bold indicates user input.

Possible Commands:
	add -->  	a value
	delete -->	d value
	print -->	p
	quit -->	q
a 88
a 44
Unknown command! Choose a, d, p or q
44  88  
d 99
No such value in list - 99!
d 44