Lab 5 - More vi

Finding and Replacing

The vi command to find-and-replace is
where "find" is the pattern to find and "replace" is what replaces it.

The two possible options are g and c - g is "global" and c is "confirm".

So for example, the command
will replace all occurrences of the string xyz on the current line with the string abc without asking.

To perform the same find-and-replace on lines 1 through 10, while also asking about each replacement

To find-and-replace the first occurrence of "For" with "for" on just the current line

Inserting files and command output

To insert the contents of a file2 into the file you are currently editing in vi, the command is
     :r file2

To insert the contents of a file2 after line 10, the command is
     :10r file2

You can also insert the output of linux commands into the file you are editing. To insert a directory listing after line 10, the command is
     :10r !ls

To insert the current date and time at the top of the file
     :0r !date

Assignment Number 5

Copy the file named "lab5" from the root of dannellys' account.
     cp ~acc.dannellys2/lab5 .
The file is 25 lines of random letters and spaces.

Edit the file and make the following two changes: 1) change every letter A to the letter a; 2) insert your username and today's date (using the :r ! command) onto the top of the file.

Print the file and submit it at the beginning of the next lab period.