Lab 4 – Using the Pine Mail System


Pine is a mail system on Unix/Linux systems (and other operating systems?) that is more friendly than the regular Unix mail system.  The regular Unix mail system uses a small set of commands that you have to know, although you can find them from the mail "help" command.  However, the Pine mail system is menu driven, and it is screen formatted with the menu options displayed at the bottom of the screen.  Pine stands for "Program for Internet News and Email".


Starting pine and the Main Menu screen


To start pine on a Unix/Linux system, type

> pine

and you will have the main menu screen displayed in a format somewhat like the following:



  PINE 4.44   MAIN MENU                          Folder: (CLOSED)  No Messages



          ?     HELP                                                     ‑  Get help using Pine


          C     COMPOSE MESSAGE      ‑  Compose and send a message


          I     MESSAGE INDEX                              ‑  View messages in current folder


          L     FOLDER LIST                                    ‑  Select a folder to view


          A     ADDRESS BOOK                              ‑  Update address book


          S     SETUP                                                   ‑  Configure Pine Options


          Q     QUIT                                                     ‑  Leave the Pine program


   Copyright 1989‑2002.  PINE is a trademark of the University of Washington.

                               [No folder opened]

? Help                                                    P PrevCmd                  R RelNotes

O OTHER CMDS > [ListFldrs]          N NextCmd                 K KBLock




Options for this menu are listed across the bottom of the screen in a format that specifies the key that you press with a brief explanation of the purpose of each menu option.   To select a menu option, press the key for the specified letter of that option. For example, to list the messages in your in box, press the I key.  The INBOX screen looks like this:



 PINE 4.05   MESSAGE INDEX                  Folder: INBOX  Message 1 of 1 NEW 


+ N   1 Jun  8 Kent Foster         (1,251) A message to the 208 students       


(some blank lines here)

                           [Already on first message]

? Help       < FldrList   P PrevMsg       ‑ PrevPage D Delete     R Reply      

O OTHER CMDS > [ViewMsg]  N NextMsg     Spc NextPage U Undelete   F Forward   



Approximately 20 blank lines have been deleted from the above screen display. This INBOX screen has a menu displayed at the bottom of the screen, as will every pine screen.  There is one message in this INBOX, and it is a "N"ew message, not yet read.  Since this message line is the highlighted line, just press RETURN, or press the ">" key, to read it.  This is an example of the screen that displays a message. Note the menu for this screen.



Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:15:17 -0400 (EDT)

From: Peter Jones <>

To: Robert Smith <>

Subject: hi

This is a practice message.

(some blank lines here)

                                [ALL of message]

? Help       < MsgIndex   P PrevMsg       - PrevPage D Delete     R Reply      

             > ViewAttch  N NextMsg     Spc NextPage U Undelete   F Forward   



Exiting pine


To exit pine, you return to the main menu, usually by selecting the "Main Menu" choice of some menu by pressing "M", and then selecting the "Quit" item of the main menu (by pressing "Q"). 

Press "Q" now, and note what happens. 

The message displayed in the response bar is

Really quit pine? (y/n) [y]:

and if you want to quit then type "Y" (or "y").  Otherwise, pine will not terminate. 


Composing a message


You create a message and send it with the "Compose" option of the main menu.  Press "C", and the screen displays the following:



To      :

Cc      :


Subject :

‑‑‑‑‑ Message Text ‑‑‑‑‑


      (a number of blank lines here where you enter the message)


^G Get Help  ^X Send      ^R Rich Hdr  ^Y PrvPg/Top ^K Cut Line  ^O Postpone 

^C Cancel    ^D Del Char  ^J Attach    ^V NxtPg/End ^U UnDel Line^T To AddrBk



The cursor is placed after the "To   :" prompt.  Type in the pretend username "smithr" here,

To        : smithr

and then press RETURN.  Since there is no such user, you made a mistake, but it is easy to correct.  Press the up arrow key, and the cursor moves up to the "To   :" prompt line.  Now change the username to your username.  Then press the downarrow key.  In fact, press down-arrow several times so that the cursor moves down under the "‑‑‑‑‑ Message Text  ‑‑‑‑‑" banner.  Now press the up-arrow to move the cursor up to the "Subject :" prompt line.  Type in a subject line.  Then press RETURN (or down-arrow).  Nice, isn't it?  Finally, type a brief message to yourself.



Editing the message in the composer


Notice at the bottom of the compose screen there are several menu items that are message editing options.  Some of these options are


 ^C Cancel

 ^X Send

 ^K Cut Line

 ^U UnDel Line

 ^T To AddrBk

where each of these is meant to be a "control" key, that is, the "^X" means that you press "CTRL‑X" for that option.

ex.  move your cursor to some line of your message and press "^K" (CTLR‑K).

The line is deleted.

Press ^U and the line is undeleted.


Sending the message


When you have finished typing the text of the message,  you then send it by using the send option of the composer menu.  Press ^X, and pine displays the prompt in the response bar

Send message? [y] :

and press RETURN (or "y" or "Y") to send the message and anything else to cancel the send operation.


Use Pine to send an email to with a subject line of “lab4” and a brief message of your choosing.