Step One - Login
To use the Linux system, you login to a Linux computer using your acc.yourusername. Your Linux account is created automatically. See
You connect to Linux using a secure shell connection such as ssh or puTTY. (You can get PuTTY on your computer from the web page above.) In the campus labs, click on Start, Programs, CSCI Programming, Putty. Choose putty to a city name for one of the Linux systems (austin, chester, etc. But use reno when off campus). When you see the login prompt, type in your username in the format with the prefix "acc.", for example, acc.browns3. At the Password prompt type in your password that you have used on the Winthrop computers and for Winthrop email.
If you forget your password, go to the Information Technology web site at, click on the Student Services option, then on Password Reset. It should send you to the site at which allows you to change your password.
To log off the Linux system by typing exit at the Linux prompt.
Step Two - Review VI
Read the seperate web page that explains how to use the vi editor. This information is provide in a seperate page so that you may easily refer back to it.
More information about basic vi can be found in your lab textbook on pages 172-179.
Step Three - Editing your Source Code
Create a file named hello.cpp containing the following:
// Program file: hello.cpp //*********************************************** // Your Name // CSCI 208 // Lab Exercise 1 // // Program prints "Hello world!" to the screen // //********************************************** #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main ( ) { cout << "Hello world!" << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Step Four - Compile, Link, and Run
To run your source code you must first convert your source code into machine code. That conversion is a two step process. First, you create an object file. Then you link your object file to the system's library files to create an executable file.
The commands to compile and link your file named hello.cpp are:
c++ -c hello.cpp c++ -o hello hello.oIf all went okay, you should now have a new executable file named hello.
To run your new program, type the name of the executable file:
Step Five - Creating Printouts
Now, we will create a script file that contains the program output so that it can be turned in. To do so, type in the following:
script lab1.log hello ctrl-dNote, ctrl-d means hold down the control key and press the d key. crtl-d is the end-of-file character.
You should have a new file named lab1.log. To print the log file and your source code:
lpr ‑Pthur301 lab1.log lpr -Pthur301 hello.cpp
Step Six - Turn in Your Work
Staple your two pages together and turn them in at the beginning of the next lab period.