MATH 111x - Everyday Mathematics
Fall 2016

Have a wonderful break!!!

Guide to Writing in Mathematics
Term Paper Guidelines

Read the following article and come to Thursday's (8/25) class ready to discuss: Secret to Being Smart

Chapter 1 Choose two of the following problems to answer and present your solution in paragraph form. Make sure to provide references for information you look up!
    1.8.8, 1.8.12, 1.8.13, 1.8.14, 1.8.16, 1.8.25, 1.8.30, 1.8.44 (due 9/1)
Lecture Notes:
Fermi Estimations
More Fermi Estimations
Unit Conversions
Percentages, Sales Tax, and Discounts
Excel for Data Analysis (Ex. 1)
Excel for Data Analysis (Ex. 2)
Chapter 7 Excel Examples
Chapter 8 Examples
Chapter 9 Examples
    Chapter 9 HWK Example
Chapter 10 Examples

Chapter 2 Choose three of the following problems to answer and present your solution in paragraph form. Make sure to provide references for information you look up!
    2.9.7, 2.9.10, 2.9.18, 2.9.16, 2.9.27, 2.9.28, 2.9.29, 2.9.35, 2.9.40, 2.9.48 (due 9/13)

Chapter 3 Choose three of the following problems to answer and present your solution in paragraph form. Make sure to provide references for information you look up!
    3.10.2, 3.10.3, 3.10.7, 3.10.11, 3.10.19, 3.10.25, 3.10.62 (due 9/20)

Chapter 5 Choose two of the following to complete:
    5.7.1, 5.7.3, 5.7.4 (due 9/29)

Chapter 6 Choose two of the following to complete. Make sure to use an Excel spreadsheet to perform the calculations for atleast one of the problems. You can either print this out to include with your homework, or email me the spreadsheet and I'll print it for you and attach it to your work.
    6.14.11, 6.14.13, 6.14.16, 6.14.17, 6.14.28 (due 10/11)

Chapter 7 Choose two of the following to complete:
    7.8.7, 7.8.8, 7.8.9, 7.8.10, 7.8.14, 7.8.24, 7.8.27 (due 10/20)

Chapter 8 Choose one of the following to complete:
    8.5.4, 8.5.9 (due 11/10)

Chapter 9 Choose two of the following to complete:
    9.6.12, 9.6.15, 9.6.16, 9.6.17, 9.6.21, 9.6.26 (due 11/22)

Chapter 10 Choose two of the following to complete:
    10.6.2, 10.6.5, 10.6.6, 10.6.10, 10.6.11 (due 12/1)